In Defense of Press Freedom

The press has a crucial role to play in keeping people and governments accountable, but lately, journalists around the world have been maligned and silenced–even violently attacked. This spring, with guidance from one of the world’s top advocates for press freedom, Beloit students had the chance to dig deeply into this timely issue.

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Rick Brooks'69 is co-founder of Little Free Libraries, the book sharing movement with more than 80,000 registered libraries in more ...

Beloit: That Unique Place Right Across the Border

Rick Brooks’69 wrote and recorded this audio essay for WNIJ, the DeKalb, Ill.-based National Public Radio affiliate, giving Beloiters within earshot a pleasant surprise when they heard it air live on February 27, 2019.



Paying Taxes, Times Two

Running a business and living in London, Rebecca Lammers’07 gets hit twice with taxes from the U.S. and the U.K. She’s lobbying to change that for herself and all Americans living abroad.


Inside the Powerhouse auditorium as it takes shape in the spring of 2019.

Powerhouse Goes from Vision to Reality

Construction on the Powerhouse, Beloit’s one-of-a-kind combination student union and recreation center, makes progress toward completion slated for fall 2019.
Natasha Islam, a Beloit College sophomore, stood quietly all evening in Moore Lounge on March 27. Her sign lists the names of Iraqis kill...

The Controversial Speech That Never Happened

The Beloit chapter of Young Americans for Freedom, a sanctioned student club, brought the founder of the private military contractor Blackwater Worldwide to campus March 27 to speak in Moore Lounge, Pearsons Hall. More than one protest ensued.
Beloit's turn-of-the-century baseball teams produced some impressive players, including Ginger Beaumont, the first to bat in the first Wo...

Baseball Cards from the Archives

Some of Beloit’s early baseball players made history. Their faces are immortalized on early 20th century baseball cards that were often give-aways with the purchase of cigarettes.
Chemistry major Sarah Farr'19 shoots a handheld X-Ray fluorescence analyzer at a painting in the Wright Museum of Art's permanent collection.

Art and Science

Chemistry and art history students learned to appreciate the overlap of art and science when they collaborated on projects that focused on the Wright Museum of Art’s permanent collection.
Syliva Lopez, professor of Spanish, is surrounded by her students as she received the Underkofler Award in May.

Excellent Undergraduate Teaching

In 2019, Professor Sylvia López received the highest teaching honor given at the College: the James R. Underkofler Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award. 

Students celebrate Holi on Chapin Quad by tossing colored powder into the air. The Holi festival of colors, which also celebrates spring,...

Spring Day

Since the 1970s, Beloit students have celebrated one entire day to honor the arrival of spring.
The Coughy Haus, which operates inside a former sorority house, sits at the corner of College and Clary Streets.  (Photo © Andy Manis)

C-Haus Reopens

Beloit’s beloved campus pub was closed for renovations, but after a brief hiatus, it reopened again in March.

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